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Preparing for Laparoscopy?

A laparoscopy procedure treats the condition of Endometriosis. The process involves inserting a laparoscope into the abdomen through an incision. Doctors explain the entire 'surgery process and healing' of Laparoscopy to the patients before proceeding. However, the following tips below may also be helpful-

Prep for overnight stay:

Laparoscopy is a short procedure of about 30-60 minutes. But sometimes, you may be advised to stay overnight in case of unseen complications. In such cases, it is wise to carry along a night-stay bag.

Arrange a Companion:

You will not be allowed to drive for at least 24 hours. Asking a friend or a loved one to accompany you during and after the surgery is something you would want to do. This way, they can be there for you, whether it's to drive you home or stay the night with you.

Shower before the surgery:

It can sometimes slip our mind, but bathing before 48 hours post the surgery is ill-advised. Hence, it is vital to remember to shower before going for the operation.

Post laparoscopy:

Post the surgery; it is common to feel muddled/nauseous. It happens due to the carbon dioxide remains pumped inside the abdomen during the procedure. Keep green teas handy to aid in easing the gaseous discomfort. You may also experience vaginal bleeding. While this normal, if the bleeding becomes heavy, you must share the concern with your doctor or the nurse.

During the recovery period, most women also experience an emotional rollercoaster ride. However, it all comes back to normal soon. The most important thing to remember is to be patient with the healing and to give yourself the time to heal.

Also, if you're looking for-

· the best laparoscopic surgeon in Pune

· are wondering about the laparoscopic surgery cost in Pune

Renowned hospitals like Motherhood Hospital provide holistic care with cost-friendly charges.

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